A Little TOUCH of Home




iCARE Therapeutic Massage on Potomac is a little splice of Heaven and Home. The natural environment is woodsy; surrounded by pine trees and nature, Heaven. Once inside you can see various splices of my family, Home.  My husband spent hours with me painting the vaulted walls only to realize they were not the shade of green we ordered.  Amazingly, he agreed to repainting to the color it is now, a warm mystic green. The tapestry is a touch of my grandmother, who always had a tapestry at home. The art work was painted by my daughter.  Each painting represents angelic visions seen by a client during a massage.  Each were a representation of transformation, growth, beauty, enlightenment.  The leather furniture, my parents, who were the voice of courage and strength as I changed careers after cancer and then purchased my first pieces of furniture.  The stones; my son’s curiosity of nature’s beauty in rocks and stones. The lamps and massage stool; a honor to my former co-therapists at Massage Central.

Welcome to iCARE Therapeutic Massage.